Well, December 26 will be more than just the craziest day to be out shopping, but both Kamen Rider Dragon Knight and Power Rangers RPM will have their last episode aired on TV. ABC will air the Series Finale of Power Rangers at noon (6 am for some) EST and CW will air episode 38, which is not actually the finale at 11am. Unfortunately, CW will not air the final two episodes if KRDK in January.

As for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, toys are out now. Some areas are getting the new version of the Deluxe Megazord. Online prices are high right now, but I figure they will drop post-Christmas.

On another note. Ron Wasserman, the man who wrote and sang "Go, Go Power Rangers" has confirmed, the remastered Mighty Morphin Power Rangers will feature the original soundtracks, there will be no changes to music.
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