Updated the site successfully. Migrated to a Mobile and Desktop friendly setup/template. Restored all accounts and forum posts in new software as promised. 

As for the IRC channel, it has been discontinued at this point. Still have a bot keeping tabs on it, but as to official support, it has been dropped. The site will focus purely on modern technologies. Could be looking at streaming videos at some point

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DDR-MMPR's Avatar
DDR-MMPR replied the topic: #813 3 years 1 week ago
Great work on the site!

Thank you so much for keeping it alive.
trekkeriii's Avatar
trekkeriii replied the topic: #801 3 years 2 months ago
Post finds in the Music section of the Forums....
DiamondFire's Avatar
DiamondFire replied the topic: #800 3 years 2 months ago
Anyway I could help out and post some music?
trekkeriii's Avatar
trekkeriii replied the topic: #799 3 years 3 months ago

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