Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie has been available since September 2010, and Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie was added as a Starz Play movie on Netflix earlier this month. We learned that all 700 episodes of Power Rangers from the first 17 seasons are to be added as well. Season 18 is posted to be streaming as well, but it is unknown right now if it is Power Rangers Samurai or Mighty Morphin Power Rangers 2010 Reversioned. In addition to Power Rangers, VR Troopers and Beetleborgs will also be available.

These are only available to people in the United States. I am highly encouraging all people coming to this website that is in the USA to please go to Netflix and stream the episodes there. The point of this channel was never to really pirate episodes, but just provide episodes because there was no alternative. Besides our encodes are of those from VHSrips and Digital airings (which are edited versions). Netflix seems to be showing the original aired episodes, so that alone makes Netflix the better alternative.


Update: All episodes are up and working for PC users. Confirmed to work on the Roku DVP. Users have reported that not all episodes are showing up on PS3 and Wii. Android Phones are only showing up to 499, too. Xbox 360 users are only able to play episode 1 at the moment.

Update 2: All episodes are available across most platforms now. One user reports that Wii is not seeing the individual seasons MMAR-PRRPM, so just a heads up on that.

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